Kitchen exhaust hood cleaning is needed by all restaurants, schools, hospitals, hotels, nursing homes, malls, airports, and government buildings; basically any location that has a commercial kitchen. Not only is the service needed, but it is also required to remain compliant with fire and health code regulations. Every year, thousands of fires occur in commercial kitchens due to negligence of kitchen exhaust systems or simply hiring under trained technicians. In fact, many companies just focus on the hood display area and don’t actually clean the fan and associated ductwork.
At the Cleaning Resource Center (CRC) we take pride in our level of work and we value the importance of NFPA 96 Compliance. We educate our technicians with the basics of kitchen exhaust cleaning as taught by International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association (IKECA) and Phil Ackland and Associates; two of the most popular kitchen exhausts cleaning educators out there! Once the basic foundation is laid out to apprentice technicians they are then sent out to the field to develop the necessary skills and job knowledge. Hands – on training is our primary method of training, it just makes sense to allow our senior techs to mentor our apprentices and teach them all of the tricks you can’t learn out of sitting in a classroom.
We also have a quality assurance team that consists of the office manager and operations manager and in some instances the company owner himself. We are likely the only hood cleaning company that has office staff that can put aside the keyboards and pick up a spray gun to cover a night shift. Yes, we actually know what we are doing at all ends of the company! Our experience and state of the art equipment enables us to clean the most difficult exhaust systems. In fact we specialize in cleaning systems most companies would walk away from. Some exhaust systems were poorly designed in providing adequate access for cleaning and we can clean them. We provide kitchen exhaust cleaning for Tucson, AZ, and most other locations in Arizona, Nevada, Utah and California.
We value the importance of cleaning the entire exhaust system and our goal is to be recognized in this industry for top notch service! Let us show you!
If you want the best, well-trained and professional kitchen exhaust cleaning company in Tucson, AZ, please contact us at 877.454.6790 or by e-mail at